The 911 terrorist attack launched a witch hunt not seen since the medieval Inquisition. Darkness fell upon humanity and the world was suddenly whipped into a hysterical chaos, where synthetic enemies became the favorite tool used by governments, to intimidate and repress their domestic populations.
Terror legislation was globally introduced in a panic and under US pressure. Human rights were trampled upon and ridiculed in the name of fighting terrorism. With lies about “preserving evidence of Saddam’s WMD,” the Danish Government with Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen at the forefront, helped to tumble Denmark and the rest of the world into the abyss.
Our once peace-loving and respected Denmark, suddenly found itself guilty of “Participation in the conspiracy to commit crimes against peace,” defined under the Nuremberg Tribunal as the greatest crime of all.
We, the Danish people, are now hated war criminals. Our government officials and army commanders are now guilty of the exact same crimes the Nazis were convicted and executed for.